Conjugation (method)

A easy and reliable method to learn conjugation from "infinitif", "present of the l'indicative" and "passé composé". To allow you to gain speed and  autonomy in handling verbs.


Learn to conjugate all the verbs from the three basic éléments of conjugation ! ...

  • L'infinitif
  • Le présent de l'indicatif
  • Le passé composé


... and, apart from few rare exceptions, memorize only the "présent de l'indicatif" and the "participes passés"!


It's only thanks to this method that you will become autonomus in conjugating verbs.

French conjugation is a puzzle made of three pieces

 The "temps composés":

  • Passé composé - plus que parfait - futur antérieur
  • Passé du conditionnel - passé du subjonctif...

These tenses are formed with the auxiliary verbs "avoir" or "être" followed by a past participle.


Ex: J'ai vu - il est parti - nous avions eu - vous aurez compris - qu'elles aient fini...

useful links

Bruno Arène +33 6 82 31 87 68