For a deeper understanding of the Grammar Reflex

The "Grammar Reflex" has been conceived as a big tool box (over than a thousand automatisation exercises of practice and active speaking) for students of French.


Its targets:


  • Create reflexes, that is to say the ability to answer naturally, in a rich and flexible French, to communication situations in professional and daily life.

  • Develop, through concentration on oral exercises, spontaneity and direct thinking in French, not translating one's own language into French any more, but directly using the French structures, expressions and vocabulary.

  • Pratice and automatise all the structures of the language,  from the simplest to the most subtle.

  • Develop comprehension through faster and faster question-answer games.

  • Play with words, pronouns, verbs, sentences and expressions, to learn to juggle with the language.

  • Work through oral practice, on phonetics and the rhythm of sentences.

  • For higher levels, explore, from short and simple explanations, the more refined and nuanced aspects of the French language.

  • Enrich conversation by giving it (thanks to the reformulation method) solid bases.

  • Continue the class work at your own chosen speed.


Here is an example of an automatisation drill on articles.


In French, articles are everywhere, and theoretical study is not sufficient to use them without hesitation and of course, without mistakesỊ

After explanations and written exercises, the automatisation drills (like this one) aim at fixing the acquired knowledge into active language, speeding up the answering time and passing the border that separates reflexion and automatism.

Try itỊ It's fun.


Hide the right column of the exercise and try, as fast as you can, to end the sentenses with the word "vent"Ị

The teacher tells you the beginning of the sentence and you repeat it ending it with the word "vent" preceded by the article of your choice.


Your turn nowỊ

How can we evaluate your oral level from this exercise?


A2 - You have done this exercise with a maximum of ten mistakes.

B1 - You have done this exercise with a maximum of five mistakes.

B2 - You have done this exercise without mistakes.

C1 - You have done this exercise without mistakes in 90 seconds.

C2 - You have done this exercise without mistakes in 50 seconds.




Some simple keys will help you understand quickly the mecanism of french grammar...

They are almost the same in your own grammar.


Turning around the verbs like electrons around the atomic nucleus, you'll find...


  • Articles
  • Sujects
  • Objects (direct and indirect)
  • Prepositions
  • Pronouns (their place and playing aroun the verb)
  • ...

French grammar is the reflexion of those who speak it : conservative, logical, precise but nevertheless inventive, subtle  and refined; it would like to impress but really, it is not very complicated.

It excels in nuances, and has even allowed some of my students to discover emotions they had never thought to put in words.


It is a game with an unfair reputation, but that adults learn to like very much.

useful links

Bruno Arène +33 6 82 31 87 68