Preparation of DELF and DALF

What is DELF and DALF?


DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are diplomas delivered by the French Ministry of National Education.

They evaluate and determine the level of knowledge and practice of French of foreign students.


These qualifications are valid and recognised all over the world byv international companies, administrations, universities and international organisations. They are an official guarantee of your level in French,  following the Common European Framework of reference for languages "CECR".


Conceived by the "Centre International d'Etudes pédagogiques" CIEP the DELF and the DALF are recognised by the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe)


The four diplomas (A1, A2, B1, B2) and the two diplomas (C1, C2) are independent, and a student can register freely and individually for the exam he or she considers to be his/her level.


At all levels, DELF and DALF evaluate the four required skills for the mastery of a foreign language:

  • Oral comprehension.
  • Oral production.
  • Written comprehension.
  • Written production.


DELF A1 corresponds to an elementary level of mastery of French. A student can try it after, at least, hundred hours of tuition.

Consulting the teacher in order to optimise his/her chances of success is highly recommanded.


DELF A2 can be taken after a minimum of hundred and fifty hours' tuition.


DELF B1 corresponds to two hundred hours of language learning.


DELF B2 necessitates  two hundred and fifty hours' tuition and a regular practice of the spoken language.


DALF C1, operational level, comes after training for more than three hundred hours' classes and a quasi-daily exposure to spoken language.


DALF C2, the optimum level of competence of a not bilingual foreigner in French, evaluates at the same time the level of a student but equally, his/her ability to convince, to defend an idea, to contradict, in other words, to be absolutly operational in French, in speaking as well as in writing.

It necessitates  thorough and intense preparation (more than three hundred hours)


These figures, of course, are indicative rather than a formal requirement of the duration of each student's studies in French to reach the requisite level.


A student can write a DELF or a DALF exam as many times as he wants before passing.


There are two to three exam sessions a year.

DELF and DALF are valid qualifications worldwide, well- known by companies, administrations, universties and international organisations.


It certifies your level in speaking, understanding, reading and writing French.

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Bruno Arène +33 6 82 31 87 68